Friday, November 26, 2010

Day 20

I know this isn't in real time.

I waited for Roberta to get comfortable with the Sitz litter box for three days before I made the first hole.  Unfortunately it shattered when I drilled into it and I didn't feel like buying a new Sitz (granted it's only $12 at CVS) and a soldering pen or spending more time than I'd like cutting holes with a box knife.  Instead, I opted for an aluminum roasting pan.  $7 from Albertsons.  With a little trimming I was able to seat it in the toilet with no problems and is obviously much easier to cut holes into than the Sitz.  I've read that the aluminum scratches porcelain but haven't seen any scratches yet.  I cut a hole the size of the cardboard roll from a roll of toilet paper.  I cut the cardboard at 12, 3, 6, and 9, folded the flaps back and taped flesh with the bottom of the opening.  I also cut the portion sticking up through the litter a little bit so it's level with the litter.

She was very curious about the hole, sticking her paw's down it and throwing more litter than I would prefer down the chute.  I went in the bathroom with her, closed the door, and watched her freak out, running all around, digging, getting in position, not feeling comfortable, running some more, digging, jumping up in the sink, and so on.  This went on for at least 10 minutes.

I guess she couldn't take it anymore and knew what had to be done.

I felt bad that she was so uncomfortable but relieved that she knows that it's okay to relieve herself with the water running underneath.  This was her first time with the hole in the roasting pan.  Since then she's gone number one like it was a regular litter box.

I removed the bath mat, towels, and bathroom rug from the bathroom.  I've seen what she's done to those when she's angry and I recommend anyone removing anything a cat may use as a litter box when they are not comfortable with theirs.
Using the sitz toilet bowl with flushable cat litter.  She has no problem going #1, but seems to be a little apprehensive with #2.

Here she is with all four paws on the seat dropping a deuce!  She had her rear paws in at first but pulled them up after a stink bomb touched it. 

Just what everyone wants to see.  She'll keep it in as long as possible, but luckily she doesn't relieve herself on the carpet, the linoleum, or anywhere else in the apartment.  She'll jump up, dig, meow, run around, then finally return knowing that she has to do it here.  At least she knows where to go.